Whether to find a training institution to train or read the Conservatory of Music. Where should I take the first step? Although I really want to do this, I don’t know how to cross the first step. ,thanks!
Whether to find a training institution to train or read the Conservatory of Music. Where should I take the first step? Although I really want to do this, I don’t know how to cross the first step. ,thanks!
It depends on how old you are. If you are about 16 years old, go to the regular music college. If you are about 25 or so, you need to look at your economic conditions. Ask a professional music teacher to teach you from the zero of music. If you have the same conditions, you can find a better music training studio to start a step step by step. Of course, these are some suggestions. It depends on whether your personal hobbies and persistence with music, depending on whether there is a talent for this aspect, I don’t say that there must be a talent in this regard to engage in the music industry. It is mainly hobbies. If you really have this talent, even if you are a single horse, you will make such beautiful music. The first feeling is beautiful, and someone will love your work.
The first elements of learning music are inseparable from various instruments, but do not have to have any instruments, such as wooden guitar, electric guitar, or electric bass, keyboard, piano, shelf drums, etc. At least to learn, for example, to learn guitar, you must first learn the wooden guitar, so that you can learn some basic skills of wooden guitar biased high -level skills, and you can learn electric guitar. Only to make music. Learning music is mainly hobbies.