2 thoughts on “How to help cats pick up”

  1. Prepare such things: scissors (used to cut the umbilical cord), hot towels (used to wipe the nose and nose immediately when the kittens landed, tear the cells) Let’s give the kitten’s umbilical cord) and alcohol (used to disinfect the scissors). Wash your hands before taking birth.
    Them female cat can give birth to the fetus smoothly without manual delivery. On the contrary, inappropriate interference affects the mother cat delivery. Careful observation of the female cat’s evening duct for delivery, and the necessary help should be given when the childbirth disorders are found.
    If the observation, if the amniotic membrane is not broken, the amniotic fluid has not lost, indicating that the childbirth has just begun, do not rush to help, you should continue to observe such as the broken amniotic membrane, and the amniotic fluid has flowed out for about half an hour. Although the shrinking, the blame, or the fedal’s deflation, the fetal cat cannot be excreted, indicating that it is difficult to produce. Under normal circumstances, the female cat will tear the sheeps and bite the teeth after the baby is produced. The umbilical cord, lick the mucus of the net cat’s body surface with the tongue.

    This cats have a mother cat with a few mother -in -law or no childbirth experience. The mucus, with the breathing of the cat cat, should also be wiped with the body surface mucus to prevent the cat from being cold, and put the cat in a dry and warm cat’s nest.
    This generally did not see that most of the kittens came out of the kitten after the amniotic fluid ruptured. There are two types of dystocia and production channels. The production power refers to the weak body of the female cat, or that the production force is often difficult to produce when the number of tires is large. At this time Most of the production channels are not positive for fetal positions, the mothercats are too narrow, and the fetus is too large. At this time, it can only be removed immediately.
    During childbirth, the female cat is lying sideways, and her body will tremble and breathe with her mouth. After increasing the pain, the female cat will open her legs, stepping on the ground, and repeatedly squeezing the amniotic membrane. When the amniotic membrane is squeezed, the amniotic fluid flows out, and the amniotic fluid can increase the degree of lubrication of the birth canal to help the fetus pass the birth canal smoothly. At this time, the female cat can give birth to the fetus after three or four shrinkage. After the kitten is produced, the female cat will bite the sheep film with her mouth, bite the umbilical cord connected to the kitten belly, and then eat the placenta.
    In the female cat licked the mucus in the nose of the kitten nose with her tongue, and licked the kitten from beginning to end. Sometimes the female cat may be seen as a “beating” kitten, so you don’t have to panic. This is stimulating the kitten’s respiratory system. After half an hour to 1 hour, the kitten began to give birth. Generally, the female cat will change the position and move away from the kitten.
    Extension information:

    3 stages of female cat delivery:
    1, opening period: refers to the shrinking from the uterus to the cervix completely, The boundary between the vagina disappeared.
    2, fetal excretion period: Refers to the cervix completely until the fetus is completely discharged.
    3, fetal jacket discharge period: refers to the fetus after the fetus is discharged from the fetal jacket.
    The kitten leaving the mother’s body is wet and dew, and the eyes are tightly closed. Wipe the nose and mouth to prevent water or other things from blocked the breathing. The kitten is also afraid of cold. After all, how warm the mother’s belly is, you can dry it and put it under the cat’s belly. The kitten will be tired after some tossing.

  2. To believe the power of motherly love, basically 50-60 days will be born. My cat does a B-ultrasound after pregnancy. The doctor will calculate the cat’s delivery day, and stay at home in those two days. Prepare the “delivery room” in advance, so that the cat adapts first. When my cat was born, I was not there. I came back to the bed when I came back. I was shocked and happy, so it was best to stay at home at home. The female cat will take care of the child very well, so basically don’t worry. The only thing that is worried is that it may be difficult to give birth. It should be sent to the pet hospital in time.

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